
  • L-Valine




Valine is a powdered solid product obtained by microbial fermentation and extraction of liquid glucose as raw material.

Function: Valine is important for nursing sows. Increasing the level of feed valine can increase milk production and increase litter weight gain, especially for sows with more than 10 weaned piglets. Valine requirements are much higher than the recommended amounts for feeding standards and are related to lysine levels. When the level of lysine in feed exceeds 0.8%, valine will become the first limiting amino acid in the feed of mammalian sows.

Grade: Feed grade

Stockpile: It should be kept clean, ventilated and dry, strictly protected from sun and rain, strictly prohibited from tinder, and not stacked with toxic, harmful, corrosive and odor-containing items.

Safe: Dust is flammable and explosive

Product Application: As a feed additive, it is widely used in compound feed and final adult piglet and poultry feed.